
Vinaya Piṭaka - Monastic Rules

Bhikkhu Vibhaṅga - Pācittiyas

Pācittiyas - Offences Involving Confession
1: Not to lie.
2: Not to insult another bhikkhu.
3: Not to create disagreement between bhikkhus.
4: Not to recite together with laymen, texts of dhamma in Pali language.
5: Not to spend the night under the same roof as the laity.
6: Not to lie down in a building in which there is a woman.
7: Not to teach to a woman more than six consecutive words of dhamma.
8: Not to announce to a layman a realisation that has been achieved.
9: Not to tell of another monks serious offence to a layperson.
10: Not to dig or cause someone else to dig the ground.
11: Not to destroy plants.
12: Not to change the conversation when the saṇgha asks a question.
13: Not to blame or slander a bhikkhu.
14: Not to leave a mattress or a chair outside without arranging it back suitably.
15: Not to leave a couch that has been moved in the monastery.
16: Not to set a bhikkhu apart in order to make him leave.
17: Not to expel a bhikkhu from a lodging belonging to the saṇgha.
18: Not to install oneself on a bed or a chair that is placed on a floor with broken planks.
19: Not to build a roof having more than three layers.
20: Not to pour water containing living beings onto the ground.
21: Not to teach bhikkhunīs without the saṇgha's approval.
22: Not to teach dhamma to bhikkhunīs after nightfall.
23: Not to go to a bhikkhunīs monastery in order to teach.
24: Not to accuse a bhikkhu of teaching bhikkhunīs for the sake of gain.
25: Not to give a robe to a bhikkhunī except in exchange.
26: Not to sew a robe for a bhikkhunī.
27: Not to plan a trip with a bhikkhunī.
28: Not to travel in a boat with a bhikkhunī.
29: Not to eat food obtained via the intervention of a bhikkhunī.
30: Not to sit with a bhikkhunī in a remote spot.
31: Not to eat twice consecutively at a food distribution place.
32: Not to eat Group meals.
33: Not to eat beforehand after having been invited to a meal.
34: Not to be immoderate in receiving food from laypeople.
35: Not to eat elsewhere after an invitation meal.
36: A bhikkhu is not to offer food to another bhikkhu who has already eaten his fill.
37: Not to consume solid foods between noon and the following dawn.
38: A bhikkhu is not to store food.
39: Not to ask for food of superior quality for oneself.
40: Not to eat food which has not been offered.
41: Not to give food to followers of other teachings.
42: Not to dismiss a bhikkhu with whom one is on alms round.
43: Not to intrude upon a laypersons bedroom.
44: Not to be alone with a female in an isolated place.
45: Not to sit next to a woman in a place remote from others' ears.
46: Not visit houses just before noon.
47: Not to request medicines beyond the limits of the quantity or time fixed by the donor.
48: Not to watch an army departing for combat.
49: Not to sleep with an armed troop for more than three consecutive nights.
50: Not to witness military activities.
51: Not to consume alcohol or other intoxicants.
52: Not to tickle abother bhikkhu.
53: Not to play in the water.
54: Not to be disrespectful.
55: Not to frighten another bhikkhu.
56: Not to light a fire, or have a fire lit.
57: Not to wash more than twice per month if the body is not dirty.
58: Not to use a robe without having marked it for identification.
59: Not to wear a robe that you have formerly relinquished.
60: Not to hide the belongings of another bhikkhu.
61: Not to kill animals.
62: Not to use water containing living beings.
63: Not to agitate in order to re-open a closed issue.
64: Not to conceal a serious offence.
65: Not to ordain a person under twenty years of age.
66: Not to travel with a group intending theft.
67: Not to make a trip with a woman having planned it with her.
68: Not to affirm obstacles to the path as being obstacles.
69: Not to associate with a bhikkhu who has been placed outside the community.
70: Not to associate with a sāmaṇera who has erroneous views.
71: Not to look for pretexts to disregard the rules of the pātimokkha.
72: Not to denigrate the rules of the pātimokkha.
73: Not to pretend not knowing a rule of conduct.
74: Not to hit another bhikkhu.
75: Not to make a threatening gesture to a fellow bhikkhu.
76: Not to groundlessly accuse a bhikkhu of a saṇghādisesa.
77: Not to arouse remorse, doubts or anguish in another bhikkhu's mind.
78: Not to eavesdrop on a conflict between bhikkhus.
79: Not to contest a decision taken after having given one's agreement (chanda).
80: Not to absent oneself without having given agreement (chanda), during a meeting of the saṇgha.
81: Not to accuse a bhikkhu of assigning a robe belonging to the saṇgha according to favouritism.
82: Not to appropriate a gift to the saṇgha.
83: Not to enter the king's chamber without warning.
84: Not to pick up a precious object except for safekeeping.
85: Not to enter a town or village after noon without having asked for permission.
86: Not to make or have made a needle box in ivory, bone or horn.
87: Not to make, cause to be made or use beds or chairs of a height greater than 65 centimetres.
88: Not to use mattresses, cushions or cloths filled with cotton or kapok.
89: Not to use an oversize sitting cloth.
90: Not to make or have made an oversized "bandage cloth".
91: Not to make or have made an oversized rains bathing cloth.
92: Not to make or have made an oversized robe.