
Vinaya Piṭaka - Monastic Rules

Bhikkhunī Vibhaṅga

Pācittiya 9: The Training Rule on Tossing Excrement, Urine or Rubbish on Crops.

Origin story

1At one time the Buddha was staying at Sāvatthī in the Jeta Grove, Anāthapiṇḍika’s Monastery. At that time a brahmin had a barley field next to the nuns’ dwelling place. The nuns disposed of feces, urine, trash, and food scraps in that field. The brahmin complained and criticized them, “How could the nuns spoil my barley field?”

2The nuns heard the complaints of that brahmin, and the nuns of few desires complained and criticized them, “How could nuns dispose of feces, urine, trash, and food scraps on cultivated plants?” … “Is it true, monks, that nuns did this?”

“It’s true, Sir.”

The Buddha rebuked them, “How could nuns do this? This will affect people’s confidence …” … “And, monks, the nuns should recite this training rule like this:

Final ruling

3‘If a nun disposes of feces or urine or trash or food scraps on cultivated plants, or she has it disposed of in this way, she commits an offense entailing confession.’”


4A: whoever … Nun: … The nun who has been given the full ordination in unanimity by both Sanghas through a legal procedure consisting of one motion and three announcements that is irreversible and fit to stand—this sort of nun is meant in this case.

5Feces: excrement is what is meant. Urine: pee is what is meant.

6Trash: refuse is what is meant.

7Food scraps: food remnants or bones or used water.

8Cultivated plants: grain, vegetables, whatever cultivated plants people consider valuable or useful.

9Disposes of: if she disposes of it herself, she commits an offense entailing confession.

10Has it disposed of: in asking another, she commits an offense of wrong conduct. If she only asks once, then even if the other disposes of such things many times, she commits one offense entailing confession.


11If they are cultivated plants, and she perceives them as such, and she disposes of it or has it disposed of, she commits an offense entailing confession. If they are cultivated plants, but she is unsure of it, and she disposes of it or has it disposed of, she commits an offense entailing confession. If they are cultivated plants, but she perceives them as uncultivated, and she disposes of it or has it disposed of, she commits an offense entailing confession.

12If they are uncultivated plants, but she perceives them as cultivated, she commits an offense of wrong conduct. If they are uncultivated plants, but she is unsure of it, she commits an offense of wrong conduct. If they are uncultivated plants, and she perceives them as such, there is no offense.


13There is no offense: if she disposes of it after having looked; if she disposes of it at the edge of the field; if she disposes of it after asking and getting permission from the owners; if she is insane; if she is the first offender.

The ninth training rule is finished.


1p_2V_2649, msdiv828Tena samayena buddho bhagavā sāvatthiyaṁ viharati jetavane anāthapiṇḍikassa ārāme. Tena kho pana samayena aññatarassa brāhmaṇassa bhikkhunupassayaṁ nissāya yavakhettaṁ hoti. Bhikkhunīyo uccārampi passāvampi saṅkārampi vighāsampi khette chaḍḍenti. Atha kho so brāhmaṇo ujjhāyati khiyyati vipāceti—“Kathañhi nāma bhikkhuniyo amhākaṁ yavakhettaṁ dūsessantī”ti.

2p_2V_2650Assosuṁ kho bhikkhuniyo tassa brāhmaṇassa ujjhāyantassa khiyyantassa vipācentassa. Yā tā bhikkhuniyo appicchā … pe … tā ujjhāyanti khiyyanti vipācenti: “Kathañhi nāma bhikkhuniyo uccārampi passāvampi saṅkārampi vighāsampi harite chaḍḍessantī”ti … pe …

“Saccaṁ kira, bhikkhave, bhikkhuniyo uccārampi passāvampi saṅkārampi vighāsampi harite chaḍḍentī”ti?

“Saccaṁ, bhagavā”ti.

Vigarahi buddho bhagavā … pe … kathañhi nāma, bhikkhave, bhikkhuniyo uccārampi passāvampi saṅkārampi vighāsampi harite chaḍḍessanti. Netaṁ, bhikkhave, appasannānaṁ vā pasādāya … pe … evañca pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhuniyo imaṁ sikkhāpadaṁ uddisantu—


3p_2V_2651, msdiv829“Yā pana bhikkhunī uccāraṁ vā passāvaṁ vā saṅkāraṁ vā vighāsaṁ vā harite chaḍḍeyya vā chaḍḍāpeyya vā, pācittiyan”ti.


4p_2V_2652, msdiv830Yā panā'ti yā yādisā … pe … bhikkhunī'ti … pe … ayaṁ imasmiṁ atthe adhippetā bhikkhunīti.

5p_2V_2653Uccāro nāma gūtho vuccati. Passāvo nāma muttaṁ vuccati.

6p_2V_2654Saṅkāraṁ nāma kacavaraṁ vuccati.

7p_2V_2655Vighāsaṁ nāma calakāni vā aṭṭhikāni vā ucchiṭṭhodakaṁ vā.

8p_2V_2656Haritaṁ nāma pubbaṇṇaṁ aparaṇṇaṁ yaṁ manussānaṁ upabhogaparibhogaṁ ropimaṁ.

9p_2V_2657Chaḍḍeyyā'ti sayaṁ chaḍḍeti, āpatti pācittiyassa.

10p_2V_2658Chaḍḍāpeyyā'ti aññaṁ āṇāpeti, āpatti dukkaṭassa. Sakiṁ āṇattā bahukampi chaḍḍeti, āpatti pācittiyassa.


11p_2V_2659, msdiv831Harite haritasaññā chaḍḍeti vā chaḍḍāpeti vā, āpatti pācittiyassa. Harite vematikā chaḍḍeti vā chaḍḍāpeti vā, āpatti pācittiyassa. Harite aharitasaññā chaḍḍeti vā chaḍḍāpeti vā, āpatti pācittiyassa.

12p_2V_2660Aharite haritasaññā, āpatti dukkaṭassa. Aharite vematikā, āpatti dukkaṭassa. Aharite aharitasaññā, anāpatti.


13p_2V_2661, msdiv832Anāpatti—oloketvā chaḍḍeti, khettamariyāde chaḍḍeti sāmike āpucchitvā apaloketvā chaḍḍeti, ummattikāya, ādikammikāyāti.

p_2V_2662Navamasikkhāpadaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ.