1. On Deities
III. A Sword — SN1.28: Affluent
- © Translated from the Pali by Bhante Sujato. (More copyright information)
1“The affluent and the wealthy,
even the aristocrats who rule the land,
are jealous of each other,
insatiable in sensual pleasures.
2Among those of such an avid nature,
flowing along the stream of lives,
who here has given up craving?
Who in the world is not avid?”
3“Having given up their home, their child, their cattle,
and all that they love, they went forth.
Having given up desire and hate,
having dispelled ignorance,
the perfected ones with defilements ended —
they in the world are not avid.”
1"Mahaddhanā mahābhogā,
raṭṭhavantopi khattiyā;
kāmesu analaṅkatā.
2Tesu ussukkajātesu,
Kedha taṇhāṁ pajahiṁsu,
ke lokasmiṁ anussukā"ti.
3"Hitvā agāraṁ pabbajitā,
hitvā puttaṁ pasuṁ piyaṁ;
Hitvā rāgañca dosañca,
avijjāñca virājiya;
Khīṇāsavā arahanto,
te lokasmiṁ anussukā"ti.