
Khuddaka Nikāya - The Minor Texts

Sutta Nipata

Sutta Nipata Chapter 5: The Way to the Beyond

5:15 The Questions of Posala

5:15 The Questions of Posala


1112 “To the one who reveals the past,”
said Venerable Posāla,
“who is imperturbable, with doubts cut off,
and who has gone beyond all things,
I have come seeking with a question.

1113 Consider one who perceives the disappearance of form,
who has entirely given up the body,
and who sees nothing at all
internally and externally.
I ask the Sakyan about knowledge for them;
how should one like that be guided?”


1114 “The Realized One directly knows,”
said the Buddha,
“all the planes of consciousness.
And he knows this one who remains,
committed to that as their final goal.

1115 Understanding that desire for rebirth
in the dimension of nothingness is a fetter,
and directly knowing what this really means,
one then sees that matter clearly.
That is the knowledge of reality for them,
the brahmin who has lived the life.”

The Young Man Posāla’s Questions are Finished


(iccāyasmā posālo):

1112"Yo atītaṁ ādisati,
Anejo chinnasaṁsayo;
Pāraguṁ sabbadhammānaṁ,
Atthi pañhena āgamaṁ.

1113 Vibhūtarūpasaññissa,
Ajjhattañca bahiddhā ca,
natthi kiñcīti passato;
Ñāṇaṁ sakkānupucchāmi,
kathaṁ neyyo tathāvidho".

(posālāti bhagavā):

1114 "Viññāṇaṭṭhitiyo sabbā,
Abhijānaṁ tathāgato;
Tiṭṭhantamenaṁ jānāti,
Vimuttaṁ tapparāyaṇaṁ.

1115 Ākiñcaññasambhavaṁ ñatvā,
Nandī saṁyojanaṁ iti;
Evametaṁ abhiññāya,
Tato tattha vipassati;
Etaṁ ñāṇaṁ tathaṁ tassa,
Brāhmaṇassa vusīmato"ti.

Posālamāṇavapucchā cuddasamā.