Sammappadhānasaṁyutta: On the Right Efforts
II. Diligence — SN49.13-22: Diligence
- © Translated from the Pali by Bhante Sujato. (More copyright information)
1To be expanded as in SN45.139-148.
2The Realized One, footprint, roof peak,
roots, heartwood, jasmine,
monarch, sun and moon,
and cloth is the tenth.
1Appamādavaggo sammappadhānavasena vitthāretabbo.
2Tathāgataṁ padaṁ kūṭaṁ,
mūlaṁ sārena vassikaṁ;
Rājā candimasūriyā,
vatthena dasamaṁ padanti.