11. Sakkasaṁyutta: With Sakka
I. The Third Chapter — SN11.24: Transgression
- © Translated from the Pali by Bhante Sujato. (More copyright information)
1At Sāvatthī.
Now at that time two mendicants were overly attached, and one of them transgressed against the other. The transgressor confessed to the other mendicant, but they didn’t accept it. Then several mendicants went up to the Buddha, bowed, sat down to one side, and told him what had happened.
2“Mendicants, there are two fools. One who doesn’t recognize when they’ve made a mistake. And one who doesn’t properly accept the confession of someone who’s made a mistake. These are the two fools.
There are two who are astute. One who recognizes when they’ve made a mistake. And one who properly accepts the confession of someone who’s made a mistake. These are the two who are astute.
3Once upon a time, mendicants, Sakka, lord of gods, guiding the gods of the Thirty-Three, recited this verse:
4‘Control your anger;
don’t let friendships decay.
Don’t blame the blameless,
and don’t say divisive things.
For anger crushes bad people
like a mountain.’”
1Sāvatthiyaṁ … pe … ārāme.
Tena kho pana samayena dve bhikkhū sampayojesuṁ. Tatreko bhikkhu accasarā. Atha kho so bhikkhu tassa bhikkhuno santike accayaṁ accayato deseti; so bhikkhu nappaṭiggaṇhāti. Atha kho sambahulā bhikkhū yena bhagavā tenupasaṅkamiṁsu; upasaṅkamitvā bhagavantaṁ abhivādetvā ekamantaṁ nisīdiṁsu. Ekamantaṁ nisinnā kho te bhikkhū bhagavantaṁ etadavocuṁ: "idha, bhante, dve bhikkhū sampayojesuṁ, tatreko bhikkhu accasarā. Atha kho so, bhante, bhikkhu tassa bhikkhuno santike accayaṁ accayato deseti, so bhikkhu nappaṭiggaṇhātī"ti.
2"Dveme, bhikkhave, bālā. Yo ca accayaṁ accayato na passati, yo ca accayaṁ desentassa yathādhammaṁ nappaṭiggaṇhāti – ime kho, bhikkhave, dve bālā.
Dveme, bhikkhave, paṇḍitā. Yo ca accayaṁ accayato passati, yo ca accayaṁ desentassa yathādhammaṁ paṭiggaṇhāti – ime kho, bhikkhave, dve paṇḍitā.
3Bhūtapubbaṁ, bhikkhave, sakko devānamindo sudhammāyaṁ sabhāyaṁ deve tāvatiṁse anunayamāno tāyaṁ velāyaṁ imaṁ gāthaṁ abhāsi:
4‘Kodho vo vasamāyātu,
Mā ca mittehi vo jarā;
Agarahiyaṁ mā garahittha,
Mā ca bhāsittha pesuṇaṁ;
Atha pāpajanaṁ kodho,