1. On Deities
V. On Fire — SN1.50: With Ghaṭikāra
- © Translated from the Pali by Bhante Sujato. (More copyright information)
1“Seven mendicants reborn in Aviha
have been freed.
With the complete ending of greed and hate,
they’ve crossed over clinging to the world.”
2“Who are those who’ve crossed the bog,
Death’s domain so hard to pass?
Who, after leaving behind the human body,
have risen above celestial yokes?”
3“Upaka and Palagaṇḍa,
and Pukkusāti, these three;
Bhaddiya and Bhaddadeva,
and Bāhudantī and Piṅgiya.
They, after leaving behind the human body,
have risen above celestial yokes.”
4“You speak well of them,
who have let go the snares of Māra.
Whose teaching did they understand
to cut the bonds of rebirth?”
5“None other than the Blessed One!
None other than your instruction!
It was your teaching that they understood
to cut the bonds of rebirth.
6Where name and form
cease with nothing left over;
understanding this teaching,
they cut the bonds of rebirth.”
7“The words you say are deep,
hard to understand, so very hard to wake up to.
Whose teaching did you understand
that you can say such things?”
8“In the past I was a potter
in Vebhaliṅga called Ghaṭikāra.
I took care of my parents
as a lay follower of Buddha Kassapa.
9I refrained from sexual intercourse,
I was celibate, spiritual.
We lived in the same village;
in the past I was your friend.
10I am the one who understands
that these seven mendicants have been freed.
With the complete ending of greed and hate,
they’ve crossed over clinging to the world.”
11“That’s exactly how it was,
just as you say, Bhaggava.
In the past you were a potter
in Vebhaliṅga called Ghaṭikāra.
You took care of your parents
as a lay follower of Buddha Kassapa.
12You refrained from sexual intercourse,
you were celibate, spiritual.
We lived in the same village;
in the past you were my friend.”
13“That’s how it was
when those friends of old met again.
Both of them have developed themselves,
and bear their final body.”
1"Avihaṁ upapannāse,
vimuttā satta bhikkhavo;
tiṇṇā loke visattikan"ti.
2"Ke ca te ataruṁ paṅkaṁ,
maccudheyyaṁ suduttaraṁ;
Ke hitvā mānusaṁ dehaṁ,
dibbayogaṁ upaccagun"ti.
3"Upako palagaṇḍo ca,
pukkusāti ca te tayo;
Bhaddiyo khaṇḍadevo ca,
bāhuraggi ca siṅgiyo;
Te hitvā mānusaṁ dehaṁ,
dibbayogaṁ upaccagun"ti.
4"Kusalī bhāsasī tesaṁ,
Kassa te dhammamaññāya,
acchiduṁ bhavabandhanan"ti.
5"Na aññatra bhagavatā,
nāññatra tava sāsanā;
Yassa te dhammamaññāya,
acchiduṁ bhavabandhanaṁ.
6Yattha nāmañca rūpañca,
asesaṁ uparujjhati;
Taṁ te dhammaṁ idhaññāya,
acchiduṁ bhavabandhanan"ti.
7"Gambhīraṁ bhāsasī vācaṁ,
dubbijānaṁ sudubbudhaṁ;
Kassa tvaṁ dhammamaññāya,
vācaṁ bhāsasi īdisan"ti.
8"Kumbhakāro pure āsiṁ,
vekaḷiṅge ghaṭīkaro;
Mātāpettibharo āsiṁ,
kassapassa upāsako.
9Virato methunā dhammā,
brahmacārī nirāmiso;
Ahuvā te sagāmeyyo,
ahuvā te pure sakhā.
10Sohamete pajānāmi,
vimutte satta bhikkhavo;
tiṇṇe loke visattikan"ti.
11"Evametaṁ tadā āsi,
yathā bhāsasi bhaggava;
Kumbhakāro pure āsi,
vekaḷiṅge ghaṭīkaro;
Mātāpettibharo āsi,
kassapassa upāsako.
12Virato methunā dhammā,
brahmacārī nirāmiso;
Ahuvā me sagāmeyyo,
ahuvā me pure sakhā"ti.
13"Evametaṁ purāṇānaṁ,
sahāyānaṁ ahu saṅgamo;
Ubhinnaṁ bhāvitattānaṁ,
Ādittavaggo pañcamo.
14Ādittaṁ kiṁdadaṁ annaṁ,
maccharena ghaṭīkaroti.