
Aṅguttara Nikāya - The Numerical Discourses

4: The Book of the Fours

II. Walking — AN 4.16: Subtlety

1“Mendicants, there are these four kinds of subtlety. What four?

A mendicant has ultimate subtlety of form. They don’t see any other subtlety of form that’s better or finer than that, nor do they aim for it.

A mendicant has ultimate subtlety of feeling. They don’t see any other subtlety of feeling that’s better or finer than that, nor do they aim for it.

A mendicant has ultimate subtlety of perception. They don’t see any other subtlety of perception that’s better or finer than that, nor do they aim for it.

A mendicant has ultimate subtlety of choices. They don’t see any other subtlety of choices that’s better or finer than that, nor do they aim for it.

These are the four kinds of subtlety.

2Knowing the subtlety of form,
the cause of feelings,
where perception comes from,
and where it ends;
and knowing choices as other,
as suffering and not-self,

3that mendicant sees rightly,
peaceful, in love with the state of peace.
They bear their final body,
having vanquished Māra and his mount.”

1"Cattārimāni, bhikkhave, sokhummāni. Katamāni cattāri?

Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu rūpasokhummena samannāgato hoti paramena; tena ca rūpasokhummena aññaṁ rūpasokhummaṁ uttaritaraṁ vā paṇītataraṁ vā na samanupassati; tena ca rūpasokhummena aññaṁ rūpasokhummaṁ uttaritaraṁ vā paṇītataraṁ vā na pattheti.

Vedanāsokhummena samannāgato hoti paramena; tena ca vedanāsokhummena aññaṁ vedanāsokhummaṁ uttaritaraṁ vā paṇītataraṁ vā na samanupassati; tena ca vedanāsokhummena aññaṁ vedanāsokhummaṁ uttaritaraṁ vā paṇītataraṁ vā na pattheti.

Saññāsokhummena samannāgato hoti paramena; tena ca saññāsokhummena aññaṁ saññāsokhummaṁ uttaritaraṁ vā paṇītataraṁ vā na samanupassati; tena ca saññāsokhummena aññaṁ saññāsokhummaṁ uttaritaraṁ vā paṇītataraṁ vā na pattheti.

Saṅkhārasokhummena samannāgato hoti paramena; tena ca saṅkhārasokhummena aññaṁ saṅkhārasokhummaṁ uttaritaraṁ vā paṇītataraṁ vā na samanupassati; tena ca saṅkhārasokhummena aññaṁ saṅkhārasokhummaṁ uttaritaraṁ vā paṇītataraṁ vā na pattheti.

Imāni kho, bhikkhave, cattāri sokhummānīti.

2Rūpasokhummataṁ ñatvā,
vedanānañca sambhavaṁ;
Saññā yato samudeti,
atthaṁ gacchati yattha ca;
Saṅkhāre parato ñatvā,
dukkhato no ca attato.

3Sa ve sammaddaso bhikkhu,
santo santipade rato;
Dhāreti antimaṁ dehaṁ,
jetvā māraṁ savāhinin"ti.
