3: The Book of the Threes
IV. Messengers of the Gods — AN 3.33: With Sāriputta
- © Translated from the Pali by Bhante Sujato. (More copyright information)
1Then Venerable Sāriputta went up to the Buddha, bowed, and sat down to one side. The Buddha said to him:
“Maybe I’ll teach Dhamma in brief, maybe in detail, maybe both in brief and in detail. But it’s hard to find anyone who understands.”
“Now is the time, Blessed One! Now is the time, Holy One! Let the Buddha teach Dhamma in brief, in detail, and both in brief and in detail. There will be those who understand the teaching!”
2“So, Sāriputta, you should train like this: ‘There’ll be no ego, possessiveness, or underlying tendency to conceit for this conscious body; and no ego, possessiveness, or underlying tendency to conceit for all external stimuli; and we’ll live having achieved the freedom of heart and freedom by wisdom where ego, possessiveness, and underlying tendency to conceit are no more.’ That’s how you should train.
3When a mendicant has no ego, possessiveness, or underlying tendency to conceit for this conscious body; and no ego, possessiveness, or underlying tendency to conceit for all external stimuli; and they live having attained the freedom of heart and freedom by wisdom where ego, possessiveness, and underlying tendency to conceit are no more — they’re called a mendicant who has cut off craving, untied the fetters, and by rightly comprehending conceit has made an end of suffering.
And Sāriputta, this is what I was referring to in ‘The Way to the Beyond’, in ‘The Questions of Udaya’ when I said:
4‘The abandoning of both
sensual perceptions and aversion;
the dispelling of dullness,
and the cessation of remorse.
5Pure equanimity and mindfulness,
preceded by investigation of principles —
this, I declare, is liberation by enlightenment,
with the smashing of ignorance.’”
1Atha kho āyasmā sāriputto yena bhagavā tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā bhagavantaṁ abhivādetvā ekamantaṁ nisīdi. Ekamantaṁ nisinnaṁ kho āyasmantaṁ sāriputtaṁ bhagavā etadavoca:
"saṅkhittenapi kho ahaṁ, sāriputta, dhammaṁ deseyyaṁ; vitthārenapi kho ahaṁ, sāriputta, dhammaṁ deseyyaṁ; saṅkhittavitthārenapi kho ahaṁ, sāriputta, dhammaṁ deseyyaṁ; aññātāro ca dullabhā"ti.
"Etassa, bhagavā, kālo, etassa, sugata, kālo yaṁ bhagavā saṅkhittenapi dhammaṁ deseyya, vitthārenapi dhammaṁ deseyya, saṅkhittavitthārenapi dhammaṁ deseyya. Bhavissanti dhammassa aññātāro"ti.
2"Tasmātiha, sāriputta, evaṁ sikkhitabbaṁ: ‘imasmiñca saviññāṇake kāye ahaṅkāramamaṅkāramānānusayā na bhavissanti, bahiddhā ca sabbanimittesu ahaṅkāramamaṅkāramānānusayā na bhavissanti, yañca cetovimuttiṁ paññāvimuttiṁ upasampajja viharato ahaṅkāramamaṅkāramānānusayā na honti tañca cetovimuttiṁ paññāvimuttiṁ upasampajja viharissāmā’ti. Evañhi kho, sāriputta, sikkhitabbaṁ.
3Yato ca kho, sāriputta, bhikkhuno imasmiñca saviññāṇake kāye ahaṅkāramamaṅkāramānānusayā na honti, bahiddhā ca sabbanimittesu ahaṅkāramamaṅkāramānānusayā na honti, yañca cetovimuttiṁ paññāvimuttiṁ upasampajja viharato ahaṅkāramamaṅkāramānānusayā na honti tañca cetovimuttiṁ paññāvimuttiṁ upasampajja viharati; ayaṁ vuccati, sāriputta: ‘bhikkhu acchecchi taṇhaṁ, vivattayi saṁyojanaṁ, sammā mānābhisamayā antamakāsi dukkhassa’.
Idañca pana metaṁ, sāriputta, sandhāya bhāsitaṁ pārāyane udayapañhe:
4‘Pahānaṁ kāmasaññānaṁ,
domanassāna cūbhayaṁ;
Thinassa ca panūdanaṁ,
kukkuccānaṁ nivāraṇaṁ.
Aññāvimokkhaṁ pabrūmi,
avijjāya pabhedanan’"ti.