
Khuddaka Nikāya - The Minor Texts

Theragatha - The Verses of the Senior Monks

Chapter 12: Groups of Twelve Verses

  • Translated from the Pali by Bhante Sujato and Jessica Walton
12.1 Sīlava

608One should train just in virtue,
For in this world, when virtue is
Cultivated and well-trained,
It provides all success.

609Desiring three kinds of happiness —
Praise, prosperity,
And to delight in heaven after passing away —
The wise should protect virtue.

610The well-behaved have many friends,
Because of their self-restraint.
But one without virtue, of bad conduct,
Drives away their friends.

611A person of bad behavior has
Ill-repute and infamy.
A person of virtue always has
A good reputation, fame, and praise.

612Virtue is the starting point and foundation;
The mother at the head
Of all good qualities:
Therefore you should purify virtue.

613Virtue is a boundary and a restraint,
An enjoyment for the mind;
The place where all the Buddhas cross over:
Therefore you should purify virtue.

614Virtue is the matchless power;
Virtue is the ultimate weapon;
Virtue is the best ornament;
Virtue is a marvellous coat of armour.

615Virtue is a mighty bridge;
Virtue is the unsurpassed scent;
Virtue is the best perfume,
That floats in all directions.

616Virtue is the best provision;
Virtue is the unsurpassed supply for a journey;
Virtue is the best vehicle,
That takes you in all directions.

617In this life they’re criticized;
After passing away they’re unhappy in a lower realm;
A fool is unhappy everywhere,
Because they are not endowed with virtues.

618In this life they’re famous;
After passing away they’re happy in heaven;
A person with understanding is happy everywhere,
Because they are endowed with virtues.

619Virtue is best in this life,
But person with understanding is supreme
Among humans and gods,
Conquering with virtue and understanding.

12.2 Sunīta

620I was born in a low-class family,
Poor, with little to eat.
My job was lowly —
I threw out the old flowers.

621Shunned by people,
I was disregarded and treated with contempt.
I humbled my heart,
And paid respects to many people.

622Then I saw the Buddha,
Honoured by the Saṅgha of monks,
The great hero,
Entering the capital city of Magadhā.

623I dropped my carrying-pole
And approached to pay respects.
Out of compassion for me,
The supreme man stood still.

624When I had paid respects at the teacher’s feet,
I stood to one side,
And asked the most excellent of all beings
For the going-forth.

625Then the teacher, being sympathetic,
And having compassion for the whole world,
Said to me, "Come, monk!"
That was my full ordination.

626Staying alone in the wilderness,
Without laziness,
I did what the teacher said,
As the conqueror had advised me.

627In the first watch of the night,
I recollected my previous births.
In the middle watch of the night,
I purified the divine eye.
In the last watch of the night,
I tore apart the mass of darkness.

628At the end of the night,
As the sunrise drew near,
Indra and Brahmā came
And paid homage me with hands in añjalī.

629"Homage to you, thoroughbred among men!
Homage to you, supreme among men!
Your defilements are ended —
You, sir, are worthy of offerings."

630When he saw me honored
By the assembly of gods,
The teacher smiled,
And said the following:

631"By austerity and by the holy life,
By restraint and by taming:
By this one is a holy man,
This is the supreme holiness."


608 p_19Th1_925"Sīlamevidha sikkhetha,
asmiṁ loke susikkhitaṁ;
Sīlañhi sabbasampattiṁ,
upanāmeti sevitaṁ.

609p_19Th1_926Sīlaṁ rakkheyya medhāvī,
patthayāno tayo sukhe;
Pasaṁsaṁ vittilābhañca,

610p_19Th1_927Sīlavā hi bahū mitte,
Dussīlo pana mittehi,
dhaṁsate pāpamācaraṁ.

611p_19Th1_928Avaṇṇañca akittiñca,
dussīlo labhate naro;
Vaṇṇaṁ kittiṁ pasaṁsañca,
sadā labhati sīlavā.

612p_19Th1_929Ādi sīlaṁ patiṭṭhā ca,
kalyāṇānañca mātukaṁ;
Pamukhaṁ sabbadhammānaṁ,
tasmā sīlaṁ visodhaye.

613p_19Th1_930Velā ca cittassa abhihāsanaṁ;
Titthañca sabbabuddhānaṁ,
tasmā sīlaṁ visodhaye.

614p_19Th1_931Sīlaṁ balaṁ appaṭimaṁ,
sīlaṁ āvudhamuttamaṁ;
Sīlamābharaṇaṁ seṭṭhaṁ,
sīlaṁ kavacamabbhutaṁ.

615p_19Th1_932Sīlaṁ setu mahesakkho,
sīlaṁ gandho anuttaro;
Sīlaṁ vilepanaṁ seṭṭhaṁ,
yena vāti disodisaṁ.

616p_19Th1_933Sīlaṁ sambalamevaggaṁ,
sīlaṁ pātheyyamuttamaṁ;
Sīlaṁ seṭṭho ativāho,
yena yāti disodisaṁ.

617p_19Th1_934Idheva nindaṁ labhati,
peccāpāye ca dummano;
Sabbattha dummano bālo,
sīlesu asamāhito.

618p_19Th1_935Idheva kittiṁ labhati,
pecca sagge ca summano;
Sabbattha sumano dhīro,
sīlesu susamāhito.

619p_19Th1_936Sīlameva idha aggaṁ,
paññavā pana uttamo;
Manussesu ca devesu,
sīlapaññāṇato jayan"ti.


620p_19Th1_938"Nīce kulamhi jātohaṁ,
daliddo appabhojano;
ahosiṁ pupphachaḍḍako.

621p_19Th1_939Jigucchito manussānaṁ,
paribhūto ca vambhito;
Nīcaṁ manaṁ karitvāna,
vandissaṁ bahukaṁ janaṁ.

622 p_19Th1_940Athaddasāsiṁ sambuddhaṁ,
Pavisantaṁ mahāvīraṁ,
magadhānaṁ puruttamaṁ.

623p_19Th1_941Nikkhipitvāna byābhaṅgiṁ,
vandituṁ upasaṅkamiṁ;
Mameva anukampāya,
aṭṭhāsi purisuttamo.

624p_19Th1_942Vanditvā satthuno pāde,
ekamantaṁ ṭhito tadā;
Pabbajjaṁ ahamāyāciṁ,

625p_19Th1_943Tato kāruṇiko satthā,
‘Ehi bhikkhū’ti maṁ āha,
sā me āsūpasampadā.

626p_19Th1_944Sohaṁ eko araññasmiṁ,
viharanto atandito;
Akāsiṁ satthu vacanaṁ,
yathā maṁ ovadī jino.

627p_19Th1_945Rattiyā paṭhamaṁ yāmaṁ,
Rattiyā majjhimaṁ yāmaṁ,
Rattiyā pacchime yāme,
Tamokhandhaṁ padālayiṁ.

628p_19Th1_946Tato ratyā vivasāne,
sūriyassuggamanaṁ pati;
Indo brahmā ca āgantvā,
maṁ namassiṁsu pañjalī.

629p_19Th1_947‘Namo te purisājañña,
namo te purisuttama;
Yassa te āsavā khīṇā,
dakkhiṇeyyosi mārisa’.

630p_19Th1_948Tato disvāna maṁ satthā,
Sitaṁ pātukaritvāna,
imamatthaṁ abhāsatha.

631p_19Th1_949‘Tapena brahmacariyena,
saṁyamena damena ca;
Etena brāhmaṇo hoti,
etaṁ brāhmaṇamuttaman’"ti.