
Saṁyutta Nikāya — The Linked Discourses

Vol 1:
Vol 2:
Vol 3:
Vol 4:
Sense Bases
Vol 5:
Great Book

6. Brahmasaṁyutta: ith Brahmās

I. The Appeal — SN6.5: A Certain Brahmā

1At Sāvatthī.

Now at that time a certain Brahmā had the following harmful misconception: “No ascetic or brahmin can come here!”

Then the Buddha knew what that Brahmā was thinking. As easily as a strong person would extend or contract their arm, he vanished from Jeta’s Grove and reappeared in that Brahmā realm. Then the Buddha sat cross-legged in the air above that Brahmā, having entered upon the fire element.

2Then Venerable Mahāmoggallāna thought: “Where is the Buddha staying at present?” With clairvoyance that is purified and superhuman, he saw the Buddha seated cross-legged in the air above that Brahmā, having entered upon the fire element. Then, as easily as a strong person would extend or contract their arm, he vanished from Jeta’s Grove and reappeared in that Brahmā realm. Then Mahāmoggallāna — positioning himself in the east, below the Buddha — sat cross-legged in the air above that Brahmā, having entered upon the fire element.

3Then Venerable Mahākassapa … positioned himself in the south …

4Venerable Mahākappina … positioned himself in the west …

5Venerable Anuruddha … positioned himself in the north, below the Buddha, sitting cross-legged in the air above that Brahmā, having entered upon the fire element.

6Then Mahāmoggallāna addressed that Brahmā in verse:

7“Sir, do you still have the same view
that you had in the past?
Or do you see the radiance
transcending the Brahmā realm?”

8“Good sir, I don’t have that view
that I had in the past.
I see the radiance
transcending the Brahmā realm.
So how could I say today
that I am permanent and eternal?”

9Having inspired a sense of awe in the Brahmā, as easily as a strong person would extend or contract their arm, the Buddha vanished from the Brahmā realm and reappeared in Jeta’s Grove.

Then that Brahmā addressed a member of his retinue: “Please, good sir, go up to Venerable Mahāmoggallāna and say to him: ‘Moggallāna my good sir, are there any other disciples of the Buddha who have power and might comparable to the masters Moggallāna, Kassapa, Kappina, and Anuruddha?’”

“Yes, good sir,” replied that retinue member. He went to Moggallāna and asked as instructed.

Then Mahāmoggallāna addressed that member of Brahmā’s retinue in verse:

10“There are many disciples of the Buddha
who have the three knowledges,
and have attained psychic power, expert in reading minds,
they’re perfected ones with defilements ended.”

11Then that member of Brahmā’s retinue, having approved and agreed with what Mahāmoggallāna said, went to that Brahmā and said to him: “Good sir, Venerable Mahāmoggallāna said this:

12‘There are many disciples of the Buddha
who have the three knowledges,
and have attained psychic power, expert in reading minds,
they’re perfected ones with defilements ended.’”

13That’s what that member of Brahmā’s retinue said. Satisfied, that Brahmā was happy with what the member of his retinue said.


Tena kho pana samayena aññatarassa brahmuno evarūpaṁ pāpakaṁ diṭṭhigataṁ uppannaṁ hoti: "natthi so samaṇo vā brāhmaṇo vā yo idha āgaccheyyā"ti.

Atha kho bhagavā tassa brahmuno cetasā cetoparivitakkamaññāya – seyyathāpi nāma balavā puriso … pe … tasmiṁ brahmaloke pāturahosi. Atha kho bhagavā tassa brahmuno upari vehāsaṁ pallaṅkena nisīdi tejodhātuṁ samāpajjitvā.

2Atha kho āyasmato mahāmoggallānassa etadahosi: "kahaṁ nu kho bhagavā etarahi vihāratī"ti? Addasā kho āyasmā mahāmoggallāno bhagavantaṁ dibbena cakkhunā visuddhena atikkantamānusakena tassa brahmuno upari vehāsaṁ pallaṅkena nisinnaṁ tejodhātuṁ samāpannaṁ. Disvāna – seyyathāpi nāma balavā puriso samiñjitaṁ vā bāhaṁ pasāreyya, pasāritaṁ vā bāhaṁ samiñjeyya; evameva – jetavane antarahito tasmiṁ brahmaloke pāturahosi. Atha kho āyasmā mahāmoggallāno puratthimaṁ disaṁ nissāya tassa brahmuno upari vehāsaṁ pallaṅkena nisīdi tejodhātuṁ samāpajjitvā nīcataraṁ bhagavato.

3Atha kho āyasmato mahākassapassa etadahosi: "kahaṁ nu kho bhagavā etarahi vihāratī"ti? Addasā kho āyasmā mahākassapo bhagavantaṁ dibbena cakkhunā … pe … disvāna – seyyathāpi nāma balavā puriso … pe … evameva – jetavane antarahito tasmiṁ brahmaloke pāturahosi. Atha kho āyasmā mahākassapo dakkhiṇaṁ disaṁ nissāya tassa brahmuno upari vehāsaṁ pallaṅkena nisīdi tejodhātuṁ samāpajjitvā nīcataraṁ bhagavato.

4Atha kho āyasmato mahākappinassa etadahosi: "kahaṁ nu kho bhagavā etarahi vihāratī"ti? Addasā kho āyasmā mahākappino bhagavantaṁ dibbena cakkhunā … pe … tejodhātuṁ samāpannaṁ. Disvāna – seyyathāpi nāma balavā puriso … pe … evameva – jetavane antarahito tasmiṁ brahmaloke pāturahosi. Atha kho āyasmā mahākappino pacchimaṁ disaṁ nissāya tassa brahmuno upari vehāsaṁ pallaṅkena nisīdi tejodhātuṁ samāpajjitvā nīcataraṁ bhagavato.

5Atha kho āyasmato anuruddhassa etadahosi: "kahaṁ nu kho bhagavā etarahi vihāratī"ti? Addasā kho āyasmā anuruddho … pe … tejodhātuṁ samāpannaṁ. Disvāna – seyyathāpi nāma balavā puriso … pe … tasmiṁ brahmaloke pāturahosi. Atha kho āyasmā anuruddho uttaraṁ disaṁ nissāya tassa brahmuno upari vehāsaṁ pallaṅkena nisīdi tejodhātuṁ samāpajjitvā nīcataraṁ bhagavato.

6Atha kho āyasmā mahāmoggallāno taṁ brahmānaṁ gāthāya ajjhabhāsi: 

7"Ajjāpi te āvuso sā diṭṭhi,
Yā te diṭṭhi pure ahu;
Passasi vītivattantaṁ,
Brahmaloke pabhassaran"ti.

8"Na me mārisa sā diṭṭhi,
yā me diṭṭhi pure ahu;
Passāmi vītivattantaṁ,
brahmaloke pabhassaraṁ;
Svāhaṁ ajja kathaṁ vajjaṁ,
ahaṁ niccomhi sassato"ti.

9Atha kho bhagavā taṁ brahmānaṁ saṁvejetvā – seyyathāpi nāma balavā puriso samiñjitaṁ vā bāhaṁ pasāreyya, pasāritaṁ vā bāhaṁ samiñjeyya; evameva – tasmiṁ brahmaloke antarahito jetavane pāturahosi.

Atha kho so brahmā aññataraṁ brahmapārisajjaṁ āmantesi: "ehi tvaṁ, mārisa, yenāyasmā mahāmoggallāno tenupasaṅkama; upasaṅkamitvā āyasmantaṁ mahāmoggallānaṁ evaṁ vadehi: ‘atthi nu kho, mārisa moggallāna, aññepi tassa bhagavato sāvakā evaṁmahiddhikā evaṁmahānubhāvā; seyyathāpi bhavaṁ moggallāno kassapo kappino anuruddho’"ti?

"Evaṁ, mārisā"ti kho so brahmapārisajjo tassa brahmuno paṭissutvā yenāyasmā mahāmoggallāno tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā āyasmantaṁ mahāmoggallānaṁ etadavoca: "atthi nu kho, mārisa moggallāna, aññepi tassa bhagavato sāvakā evaṁmahiddhikā evaṁmahānubhāvā; seyyathāpi bhavaṁ moggallāno kassapo kappino anuruddho"ti?

Atha kho āyasmā mahāmoggallāno taṁ brahmapārisajjaṁ gāthāya ajjhabhāsi: 

10"Tevijjā iddhipattā ca,
Khīṇāsavā arahanto,
bahū buddhassa sāvakā"ti.

11Atha kho so brahmapārisajjo āyasmato mahāmoggallānassa bhāsitaṁ abhinanditvā anumoditvā yena so brahmā tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā taṁ brahmānaṁ etadavoca: "Āyasmā, mārisa, mahāmoggallāno evamāha: 

12‘Tevijjā iddhipattā ca,
Khīṇāsavā arahanto,
bahū buddhassa sāvakā’"ti.

13Idamavoca so brahmapārisajjo. Attamano ca so brahmā tassa brahmapārisajjassa bhāsitaṁ abhinandīti.