
Saṁyutta Nikāya — The Linked Discourses

Vol 1:
Vol 2:
Vol 3:
Vol 4:
Sense Bases
Vol 5:
Great Book

56. Saccasaṁyutta: On the Truths

III. At the Village of Koṭi — SN56.29: Should Be Completely Understood

1“Mendicants, there are these four noble truths. What four? The noble truths of suffering, the origin of suffering, the cessation of suffering, and the practice that leads to the cessation of suffering.

These are the four noble truths. Of these four noble truths, there is one to be completely understood, one to be given up, one to be realized, and one to be developed.

2And which noble truth should be completely understood? The noble truth of suffering should be completely understood. The noble truth of the origin of suffering should be given up. The noble truth of the cessation of suffering should be realized. The noble truth of the practice that leads to the cessation of suffering should be developed.

3That’s why you should practice meditation …”

1"Cattārimāni, bhikkhave, ariyasaccāni. Katamāni cattāri? Dukkhaṁ ariyasaccaṁ, dukkhasamudayaṁ ariyasaccaṁ, dukkhanirodhaṁ ariyasaccaṁ, dukkhanirodhagāminī paṭipadā ariyasaccaṁ – imāni kho, bhikkhave, cattāri ariyasaccāni.

Imesaṁ kho, bhikkhave, catunnaṁ ariyasaccānaṁ atthi ariyasaccaṁ pariññeyyaṁ, atthi ariyasaccaṁ pahātabbaṁ, atthi ariyasaccaṁ sacchikātabbaṁ, atthi ariyasaccaṁ bhāvetabbaṁ.

2Katamañca, bhikkhave, ariyasaccaṁ pariññeyyaṁ? Dukkhaṁ, bhikkhave, ariyasaccaṁ pariññeyyaṁ, dukkhasamudayaṁ ariyasaccaṁ pahātabbaṁ, dukkhanirodhaṁ ariyasaccaṁ sacchikātabbaṁ, dukkhanirodhagāminī paṭipadā ariyasaccaṁ bhāvetabbaṁ.

3Tasmātiha, bhikkhave, ‘idaṁ dukkhan’ti yogo karaṇīyo … pe … ‘Ayaṁ dukkhanirodhagāminī paṭipadā’ti yogo karaṇīyo"ti.
