
Saṁyutta Nikāya — The Linked Discourses

Vol 1:
Vol 2:
Vol 3:
Vol 4:
Sense Bases
Vol 5:
Great Book

55. Sotāpattisaṁyutta: On Stream-Entry

III. About About Sarakāni — SN55.26: Anāthapiṇḍika (1st)

1-3At Sāvatthī.

Now at that time the householder Anāthapiṇḍika was sick, suffering, gravely ill. Then he addressed a man:

“Please, mister, go to Venerable Sāriputta, and in my name bow with your head to his feet. Say to him: ‘Sir, the householder Anāthapiṇḍika is sick, suffering, gravely ill. He bows with his head to your feet.’ And then say: ‘Sir, please visit him at his home out of compassion.’”
“Yes, sir,” that man replied. He did as Anāthapiṇḍika asked. Sāriputta consented in silence.

4Then Venerable Sāriputta robed up in the morning and, taking his bowl and robe, went with Venerable Ānanda as his second monk to Anāthapiṇḍika’s home. He sat down on the seat spread out, and said to Anāthapiṇḍika: “Householder, I hope you’re coping; I hope you’re getting better. And I hope the pain is fading, not growing, that its fading is evident, not its growing.”

“Sir, I’m not keeping well, I’m not alright. The pain is terrible and growing, not fading; its growing is evident, not its fading.”

5“Householder, you don’t have the distrust in the Buddha that causes an uneducated ordinary person to be reborn — when their body breaks up, after death — in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. And you have experiential confidence in the Buddha: ‘That Blessed One is perfected, a fully awakened Buddha, accomplished in knowledge and conduct, holy, knower of the world, supreme guide for those who wish to train, teacher of gods and humans, awakened, blessed.’ Seeing in yourself that experiential confidence in the teaching, that pain may die down on the spot.

6You don’t have the distrust in the teaching that causes an uneducated ordinary person to be reborn — when their body breaks up, after death — in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. And you have experiential confidence in the teaching: ‘The teaching is well explained by the Buddha — visible in this very life, immediately effective, inviting inspection, relevant, so that sensible people can know it for themselves.’ Seeing in yourself that experiential confidence in the teaching, that pain may die down on the spot.

7You don’t have the distrust in the Saṅgha that causes an uneducated ordinary person to be reborn — when their body breaks up, after death — in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. And you have experiential confidence in the Saṅgha: ‘The Saṅgha of the Buddha’s disciples is practicing the way that’s good, straightforward, methodical, and proper. It consists of the four pairs, the eight individuals. This Saṅgha of the Buddha’s disciples is worthy of offerings dedicated to the gods, worthy of hospitality, worthy of a religious donation, and worthy of veneration with joined palms. It is the supreme field of merit for the world.’ Seeing in yourself that experiential confidence in the Saṅgha, that pain may die down on the spot.

8You don’t have the unethical conduct that causes an uneducated ordinary person to be reborn — when their body breaks up, after death — in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. Your ethical conduct is loved by the noble ones, unbroken, impeccable, spotless, and unmarred, liberating, praised by sensible people, not mistaken, and leading to immersion. Seeing in yourself that ethical conduct loved by the noble ones, that pain may die down on the spot.

9You don’t have the wrong view that causes an uneducated ordinary person to be reborn — when their body breaks up, after death — in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. You have right view. Seeing in yourself that right view, that pain may die down on the spot.

10You don’t have the wrong thought …

11wrong speech …

12wrong action …

13wrong livelihood …

14wrong effort …

15wrong mindfulness …

16wrong immersion …

17wrong knowledge …

18wrong freedom … You have right freedom. Seeing in yourself that right freedom, that pain may die down on the spot.”

19And then Anāthapiṇḍika’s pain died down on the spot. Then he served Sāriputta and Ānanda from his own dish. When Sāriputta had eaten and washed his hand and bowl, Anāthapiṇḍika took a low seat and sat to one side. Venerable Sāriputta expressed his appreciation to him with these verses.

20“Whoever has faith in the Realized One,
unwavering and well grounded;
whose ethical conduct is good,
praised and loved by the noble ones;

21who has confidence in the Saṅgha,
and correct view:
they’re said to be prosperous,
their life is not in vain.

22So let the wise devote themselves
to faith, ethical behaviour,
confidence, and insight into the teaching,
remembering the instructions of the Buddhas.”

23After expressing his appreciation to Anāthapiṇḍika with these verses, Sāriputta got up from his seat and left.

24Then Ānanda went up to the Buddha, bowed, and sat down to one side. The Buddha said to him: “So, Ānanda, where are you coming from in the middle of the day?”

“Sir, Venerable Sāriputta advised the householder Anāthapiṇḍika in this way and that.”

“Sāriputta is astute, Ānanda. He has great wisdom, since he can analyze the four factors of stream-entry in ten respects.”


Tena kho pana samayena anāthapiṇḍiko gahapati ābādhiko hoti dukkhito bāḷhagilāno. Atha kho anāthapiṇḍiko gahapati aññataraṁ purisaṁ āmantesi:

"Ehi tvaṁ, ambho purisa, yenāyasmā sāriputto tenupasaṅkama; upasaṅkamitvā mama vacanena āyasmato sāriputtassa pāde sirasā vanda: ‘anāthapiṇḍiko, bhante, gahapati ābādhiko dukkhito bāḷhagilāno. So āyasmato sāriputtassa pāde sirasā vandatī’ti. Evañca vadehi: ‘sādhu kira, bhante, āyasmā sāriputto yena anāthapiṇḍikassa gahapatissa nivesanaṁ tenupasaṅkamatu anukampāṁ upādāyā’"ti.

2"Evaṁ, bhante"ti kho so puriso anāthapiṇḍikassa gahapatissa paṭissutvā yenāyasmā sāriputto tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā āyasmantaṁ sāriputtaṁ abhivādetvā ekamantaṁ nisīdi. Ekamantaṁ nisinno kho so puriso āyasmantaṁ sāriputtaṁ etadavoca: 

3"Anāthapiṇḍiko, bhante, gahapati ābādhiko dukkhito bāḷhagilāno. So āyasmato sāriputtassa pāde sirasā vandati. Evañca vadati: ‘sādhu kira, bhante, āyasmā sāriputto yena anāthapiṇḍikassa gahapatissa nivesanaṁ tenupasaṅkamatu anukampāṁ upādāyā’"ti. Adhivāsesi kho āyasmā sāriputto tuṇhībhāvena.

4Atha kho āyasmā sāriputto pubbaṇhasamayaṁ nivāsetvā pattacīvaramādāya āyasmatā ānandena pacchāsamaṇena yena anāthapiṇḍikassa gahapatissa nivesanaṁ tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā paññatte āsane nisīdi. Nisajja kho āyasmā sāriputto anāthapiṇḍikaṁ gahapatiṁ etadavoca: "Kacci te, gahapati, khamanīyaṁ kacci yāpanīyaṁ? Kacci dukkhā vedanā paṭikkamanti, no abhikkamanti; paṭikkamosānaṁ paññāyati, no abhikkamo"ti?

"Na me, bhante, khamanīyaṁ, na yāpanīyaṁ. Bāḷhā me dukkhā vedanā abhikkamanti, no paṭikkamanti; abhikkamosānaṁ paññāyati, no paṭikkamo"ti.

5"Yathārūpena kho, gahapati, buddhe appasādena samannāgato assutavā puthujjano kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati tathārūpo te buddhe appasādo natthi. Atthi ca kho te, gahapati, buddhe aveccappasādo – itipi so bhagavā … pe … satthā devamanussānaṁ buddho bhagavāti. Tañca pana te buddhe aveccappasādaṁ attani samanupassato ṭhānaso vedanā paṭippassambheyya.

6Yathārūpena kho, gahapati, dhamme appasādena samannāgato assutavā puthujjano kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati, tathārūpo te dhamme appasādo natthi. Atthi ca kho te, gahapati, dhamme aveccappasādo – svākkhāto bhagavatā dhammo … pe … paccattaṁ veditabbo viññūhīti. Tañca pana te dhamme aveccappasādaṁ attani samanupassato ṭhānaso vedanā paṭippassambheyya.

7Yathārūpena kho, gahapati, saṅghe appasādena samannāgato assutavā puthujjano kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati, tathārūpo te saṅghe appasādo natthi. Atthi ca kho te, gahapati, saṅghe aveccappasādo – suppaṭipanno bhagavato sāvakasaṅgho … pe … anuttaraṁ puññakkhettaṁ lokassāti. Tañca pana te saṅghe aveccappasādaṁ attani samanupassato ṭhānaso vedanā paṭippassambheyya.

8Yathārūpena kho, gahapati, dussīlyena samannāgato assutavā puthujjano kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati, tathārūpaṁ te dussīlyaṁ natthi. Atthi ca kho te, gahapati, ariyakantāni sīlāni … pe … samādhisaṁvattanikāni. Tāni ca pana te ariyakantāni sīlāni attani samanupassato ṭhānaso vedanā paṭippassambheyya.

9Yathārūpāya kho, gahapati, micchādiṭṭhiyā samannāgato assutavā puthujjano kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati, tathārūpā te micchādiṭṭhi natthi. Atthi ca kho te, gahapati, sammādiṭṭhi. Tañca pana te sammādiṭṭhiṁ attani samanupassato ṭhānaso vedanā paṭippassambheyya.

10Yathārūpena kho, gahapati, micchāsaṅkappena samannāgato assutavā puthujjano kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati, tathārūpo te micchāsaṅkappo natthi. Atthi ca kho te, gahapati, sammāsaṅkappo. Tañca pana te sammāsaṅkappaṁ attani samanupassato ṭhānaso vedanā paṭippassambheyya.

11Yathārūpāya kho, gahapati, micchāvācāya samannāgato assutavā puthujjano kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati, tathārūpā te micchāvācā natthi. Atthi ca kho te, gahapati, sammāvācā. Tañca pana te sammāvācaṁ attani samanupassato ṭhānaso vedanā paṭippassambheyya.

12Yathārūpena kho, gahapati, micchākammantena samannāgato assutavā puthujjano kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati, tathārūpo te micchākammanto natthi. Atthi ca kho te, gahapati, sammākammanto. Tañca pana te sammākammantaṁ attani samanupassato ṭhānaso vedanā paṭippassambheyya.

13Yathārūpena kho, gahapati, micchāājīvena samannāgato assutavā puthujjano kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati, tathārūpo te micchāājīvo natthi. Atthi ca kho te, gahapati, sammāājīvo. Tañca pana te sammāājīvaṁ attani samanupassato ṭhānaso vedanā paṭippassambheyya.

14Yathārūpena kho, gahapati, micchāvāyāmena samannāgato assutavā puthujjano kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati, tathārūpo te micchāvāyāmo natthi. Atthi ca kho te, gahapati, sammāvāyāmo. Tañca pana te sammāvāyāmaṁ attani samanupassato ṭhānaso vedanā paṭippassambheyya.

15Yathārūpāya kho, gahapati, micchāsatiyā samannāgato assutavā puthujjano kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati, tathārūpā te micchāsati natthi. Atthi ca kho te, gahapati, sammāsati. Tañca pana te sammāsatiṁ attani samanupassato ṭhānaso vedanā paṭippassambheyya.

16Yathārūpena kho, gahapati, micchāsamādhinā samannāgato assutavā puthujjano kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati, tathārūpo te micchāsamādhi natthi. Atthi ca kho te, gahapati, sammāsamādhi. Tañca pana te sammāsamādhiṁ attani samanupassato ṭhānaso vedanā paṭippassambheyya.

17Yathārūpena kho, gahapati, micchāñāṇena samannāgato assutavā puthujjano kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati, tathārūpaṁ te micchāñāṇaṁ natthi. Atthi ca kho te, gahapati, sammāñāṇaṁ. Tañca pana te sammāñāṇaṁ attani samanupassato ṭhānaso vedanā paṭippassambheyya.

18Yathārūpāya kho, gahapati, micchāvimuttiyā samannāgato assutavā puthujjano kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati, tathārūpā te micchāvimutti natthi. Atthi ca kho te, gahapati, sammāvimutti. Tañca pana te sammāvimuttiṁ attani samanupassato ṭhānaso vedanā paṭippassambheyyā"ti.

19Atha kho anāthapiṇḍikassa gahapatissa ṭhānaso vedanā paṭippassambhiṁsu. Atha kho anāthapiṇḍiko gahapati āyasmantañca sāriputtaṁ āyasmantañca Ānandaṁ sakeneva thālipākena parivisi. Atha kho anāthapiṇḍiko gahapati āyasmantaṁ sāriputtaṁ bhuttāviṁ onītapattapāṇiṁ aññataraṁ nīcāsanaṁ gahetvā ekamantaṁ nisīdi. Ekamantaṁ nisinnaṁ kho anāthapiṇḍikaṁ gahapatiṁ āyasmā sāriputto imāhi gāthāhi anumodi: 

20"Yassa saddhā tathāgate,
acalā suppatiṭṭhitā;
Sīlañca yassa kalyāṇaṁ,
ariyakantaṁ pasaṁsitaṁ.

21Saṅghe pasādo yassatthi,
ujubhūtañca dassanaṁ;
Adaliddoti taṁ āhu,
amoghaṁ tassa jīvitaṁ.

22Tasmā saddhāñca sīlañca,
pasādaṁ dhammadassanaṁ;
Anuyuñjetha medhāvī,
saraṁ buddhānasāsanan"ti.

23Atha kho āyasmā sāriputto anāthapiṇḍikaṁ gahapatiṁ imāhi gāthāhi anumoditvā uṭṭhāyāsanā pakkāmi.

24Atha kho āyasmā ānando yena bhagavā tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā bhagavantaṁ abhivādetvā ekamantaṁ nisīdi. Ekamantaṁ nisinnaṁ kho āyasmantaṁ Ānandaṁ bhagavā etadavoca: "handa kuto nu tvaṁ, Ānanda, āgacchasi divādivassā"ti?

"Āyasmatā, bhante, sāriputtena anāthapiṇḍiko gahapati iminā ca iminā ca ovādena ovadito"ti.

"Paṇḍito, Ānanda, sāriputto; mahāpañño, Ānanda, sāriputto, yatra hi nāma cattāri sotāpattiyaṅgāni dasahākārehi vibhajissatī"ti.
