53. Jhānasaṁyutta: On Absorptions
III. Hard Work — SN53.23-34: Hard Work
- © Translated from the Pali by Bhante Sujato. (More copyright information)
1(To be expanded as in the chapter on hard work at SN45.149-160.)
2Hard work, seeds, and dragons,
a tree, a pot, and a spike,
the sky, and two on clouds,
a ship, a guest house, and a river.
1(Balakaraṇīyavaggo vitthāretabbo.)
2Balaṁ bījañca nāgo ca,
rukkho kumbhena sūkiyā;
Ākāsena ca dve meghā,
nāvā āgantukā nadīti.