41. Cittasaṁyutta: With Citta
I. With Citta — SN41.1: The Fetter
- © Translated from the Pali by Bhante Sujato. (More copyright information)
1At one time several senior mendicants were staying near Macchikāsaṇḍa in the Wild Mango Grove.
Now at that time, after the meal, on return from alms-round, several senior mendicants sat together in the pavilion and this discussion came up among them:
“Reverends, the ‘fetter’ and the ‘things prone to being fettered’: do these things differ in both meaning and phrasing? Or do they mean the same thing, and differ only in the phrasing?”
Some senior mendicants answered like this: “Reverends, the ‘fetter’ and the ‘things prone to being fettered’: these things differ in both meaning and phrasing.”
But some senior mendicants answered like this: “Reverends, the ‘fetter’ and the ‘things prone to being fettered’ mean the same thing; they differ only in the phrasing.”
2-3Now at that time the householder Citta had arrived at Migapathaka on some business. He heard about what those senior mendicants were discussing. So he went up to them, bowed, sat down to one side, and said to them: “Sirs, I heard that you were discussing whether the ‘fetter’ and the ‘things prone to being fettered’ differ in both meaning and phrasing, or whether they mean the same thing, and differ only in the phrasing.”
“That’s right, householder.”
4“Sirs, the ‘fetter’ and the ‘things prone to being fettered’: these things differ in both meaning and phrasing.
Well then, sirs, I shall give you a simile. For by means of a simile some sensible people understand the meaning of what is said.
Suppose there was a black ox and a white ox yoked by a single harness or yoke. Would it be right to say that the black ox is the yoke of the white ox, or the white ox is the yoke of the black ox?”
“No, householder.
The black ox is not the yoke of the white ox, nor is the white ox the yoke of the black ox. The yoke there is the single harness or yoke that they’re yoked by.”
“In the same way, the eye is not the fetter of sights, nor are sights the fetter of the eye. The fetter there is the desire and greed that arises from the pair of them.
The ear … nose … tongue … body … mind is not the fetter of thoughts, nor are thoughts the fetter of the mind. The fetter there is the desire and greed that arises from the pair of them.”
“You’re fortunate, householder, so very fortunate, to traverse the Buddha’s deep teachings with the eye of wisdom.”
1Ekaṁ samayaṁ sambahulā therā bhikkhū macchikāsaṇḍe vihāranti ambāṭakavane.
Tena kho pana samayena sambahulānaṁ therānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ pacchābhattaṁ piṇḍapātapaṭikkantānaṁ maṇḍalamāḷe sannisinnānaṁ sannipatitānaṁ ayamantarākathā udapādi:
"‘saṁyojanan’ti vā, āvuso, ‘saṁyojaniyā dhammā’ti vā ime dhammā nānatthā nānābyañjanā udāhu ekatthā byañjanameva nānan"ti?
Tatrekaccehi therehi bhikkhūhi evaṁ byākataṁ hoti: "‘saṁyojanan’ti vā, āvuso, ‘saṁyojaniyā dhammā’ti vā ime dhammā nānatthā ceva nānābyañjanā cā"ti.
Ekaccehi therehi bhikkhūhi evaṁ byākataṁ hoti: "‘saṁyojanan’ti vā, āvuso, ‘saṁyojaniyā dhammā’ti vā ime dhammā ekatthā byañjanameva nānan"ti.
2Tena kho pana samayena citto gahapati migapathakaṁ anuppatto hoti kenacideva karaṇīyena. Assosi kho citto gahapati sambahulānaṁ kira therānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ pacchābhattaṁ piṇḍapātapaṭikkantānaṁ maṇḍalamāḷe sannisinnānaṁ sannipatitānaṁ ayamantarākathā udapādi: "‘saṁyojanan’ti vā, āvuso, ‘saṁyojaniyā dhammā’ti vā ime dhammā nānatthā nānābyañjanā udāhu ekatthā byañjanameva nānan"ti? Tatrekaccehi therehi bhikkhūhi evaṁ byākataṁ: "‘saṁyojanan’ti vā, āvuso, ‘saṁyojaniyā dhammā’ti vā ime dhammā nānatthā ceva nānābyañjanā cā"ti.
Ekaccehi therehi bhikkhūhi evaṁ byākataṁ: "‘saṁyojanan’ti vā, āvuso, ‘saṁyojaniyā dhammā’ti vā ime dhammā ekatthā byañjanameva nānan"ti.
3Atha kho citto gahapati yena therā bhikkhū tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā there bhikkhū abhivādetvā ekamantaṁ nisīdi. Ekamantaṁ nisinno kho citto gahapati there bhikkhū etadavoca: "sutaṁ metaṁ, bhante, sambahulānaṁ kira therānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ pacchābhattaṁ piṇḍapātapaṭikkantānaṁ maṇḍalamāḷe sannisinnānaṁ sannipatitānaṁ ayamantarākathā udapādi: ‘saṁyojanan’ti vā, āvuso, ‘saṁyojaniyā dhammā’ti vā ime dhammā nānatthā nānābyañjanā udāhu ekatthā byañjanameva nānan"ti? Ekaccehi therehi bhikkhūhi evaṁ byākataṁ: "‘saṁyojanan’ti vā, āvuso, ‘saṁyojaniyā dhammā’ti vā ime dhammā nānatthā ceva nānābyañjanā cā"ti. Ekaccehi therehi bhikkhūhi evaṁ byākataṁ "‘saṁyojanan’ti vā, āvuso, ‘saṁyojaniyā dhammā’ti vā ime dhammā ekatthā byañjanameva nānan"ti. "Evaṁ, gahapatī"ti.
4"‘Saṁyojanan’ti vā, bhante, ‘saṁyojaniyā dhammā’ti vā ime dhammā nānatthā ceva nānābyañjanā ca.
Tena hi, bhante, upamaṁ vo karissāmi. Upamāyapidhekacce viññū purisā bhāsitassa atthaṁ ājānanti.
Seyyathāpi, bhante, kāḷo ca balībaddo odāto ca balībaddo ekena dāmena vā yottena vā saṁyuttā assu. Yo nu kho evaṁ vadeyya: ‘kāḷo balībaddo odātassa balībaddassa saṁyojanaṁ, odāto balībaddo kāḷassa balībaddassa saṁyojanan’ti, sammā nu kho so vadamāno vadeyyā"ti?
"No hetaṁ, gahapati.
Na kho, gahapati, kāḷo balībaddo odātassa balībaddassa saṁyojanaṁ, napi odāto balībaddo kāḷassa balībaddassa saṁyojanaṁ; yena kho te ekena dāmena vā yottena vā saṁyuttā taṁ tattha saṁyojanan"ti.
"Evameva kho, bhante, na cakkhu rūpānaṁ saṁyojanaṁ, na rūpā cakkhussa saṁyojanaṁ; yañca tattha tadubhayaṁ paṭicca uppajjati chandarāgo taṁ tattha saṁyojanaṁ.
Na sotaṁ saddānaṁ … na ghānaṁ gandhānaṁ … na jivhā rasānaṁ … na kāyo phoṭṭhabbānaṁ saṁyojanaṁ, na phoṭṭhabbā kāyassa saṁyojanaṁ; yañca tattha tadubhayaṁ paṭicca uppajjati chandarāgo taṁ tattha saṁyojanaṁ. Na mano dhammānaṁ saṁyojanaṁ, na dhammā manassa saṁyojanaṁ; yañca tattha tadubhayaṁ paṭicca uppajjati chandarāgo taṁ tattha saṁyojanan"ti.
"Lābhā te, gahapati, suladdhaṁ te, gahapati, yassa te gambhīre buddhavacane paññācakkhu kamatī"ti.