35. Saḷāyatanasaṁyutta: On the Six Sense Fields
XVIII. The Ocean — SN35.230: The Simile of the Fisherman
- © Translated from the Pali by Bhante Sujato. (More copyright information)
1“Mendicants, suppose a fisherman was to cast a baited hook into a deep lake. Seeing the bait, a fish would swallow it. And so the fish that swallowed the hook would meet with tragedy and disaster, and the fisherman can do what he wants with it.
2In the same way, there are these six hooks in the world that mean tragedy and slaughter for living creatures. What six?
There are sights known by the eye that are likable, desirable, agreeable, pleasant, sensual, and arousing. If a mendicant approves, welcomes, and keeps clinging to them, they’re called a mendicant who has swallowed Māra’s hook. They’ve met with tragedy and disaster, and the Wicked One can do what he wants with them.
3There are sounds … smells … tastes … touches … thoughts known by the mind that are likable, desirable, agreeable, pleasant, sensual, and arousing. If a mendicant approves, welcomes, and keeps clinging to them, they’re called a mendicant who has swallowed Māra’s hook. They’ve met with tragedy and disaster, and the Wicked One can do what he wants with them.
4There are sights known by the eye that are likable, desirable, agreeable, pleasant, sensual, and arousing. If a mendicant doesn’t approve, welcome, and keep clinging to them, they’re called a mendicant who hasn’t swallowed Māra’s hook. They’ve broken the hook, destroyed it. They haven’t met with tragedy and disaster, and the Wicked One cannot do what he wants with them.
5There are sounds … smells … tastes … touches … thoughts known by the mind that are likable, desirable, agreeable, pleasant, sensual, and arousing. If a mendicant doesn’t approve, welcome, and keep clinging to them, they’re called a mendicant who hasn’t swallowed Māra’s hook. They’ve broken the hook, destroyed it. They haven’t met with tragedy and disaster, and the Wicked One cannot do what he wants with them.”
1"Seyyathāpi, bhikkhave, bāḷisiko āmisagatabaḷisaṁ gambhīre udakarahade pakkhipeyya. Tamenaṁ aññataro āmisacakkhu maccho gileyya. Evañhi so, bhikkhave, maccho gilitabaḷiso bāḷisikassa anayaṁ āpanno byasanaṁ āpanno yathākāmakaraṇīyo bāḷisikassa.
2Evameva kho, bhikkhave, chayime baḷisā lokasmiṁ anayāya sattānaṁ vadhāya pāṇinaṁ. Katame cha?
Santi, bhikkhave, cakkhuviññeyyā rūpā iṭṭhā kantā manāpā piyarūpā kāmūpasaṁhitā rajanīyā. Tañce, bhikkhu, abhinandati abhivadati ajjhosāya tiṭṭhati. Ayaṁ vuccati, bhikkhave, bhikkhu gilitabaḷiso, mārassa anayaṁ āpanno byasanaṁ āpanno yathākāmakaraṇīyo pāpimato … pe … santi, bhikkhave, jivhāviññeyyā rasā … pe … .
3Santi, bhikkhave, manoviññeyyā dhammā iṭṭhā kantā manāpā piyarūpā kāmūpasaṁhitā rajanīyā. Tañce, bhikkhu, abhinandati abhivadati ajjhosāya tiṭṭhati. Ayaṁ vuccati, bhikkhave, bhikkhu gilitabaḷiso mārassa anayaṁ āpanno byasanaṁ āpanno yathākāmakaraṇīyo pāpimato.
4Santi ca, bhikkhave, cakkhuviññeyyā rūpā iṭṭhā kantā manāpā piyarūpā kāmūpasaṁhitā rajanīyā. Tañce, bhikkhu, nābhinandati nābhivadati nājjhosāya tiṭṭhati. Ayaṁ vuccati, bhikkhave, bhikkhu na gilitabaḷiso mārassa abhedi baḷisaṁ paribhedi baḷisaṁ na anayaṁ āpanno na byasanaṁ āpanno na yathākāmakaraṇīyo pāpimato … pe … .
5Santi, bhikkhave, jivhāviññeyyā rasā … pe … . Santi, bhikkhave, manoviññeyyā dhammā iṭṭhā kantā manāpā piyarūpā kāmūpasaṁhitā rajanīyā. Tañce bhikkhu nābhinandati nābhivadati nājjhosāya tiṭṭhati, ayaṁ vuccati, bhikkhave, bhikkhu na gilitabaḷiso mārassa abhedi baḷisaṁ paribhedi baḷisaṁ na anayaṁ āpanno na byasanaṁ āpanno na yathākāmakaraṇīyo pāpimato"ti.