SN17: Linked Discourses on Possessions, Honour, and Popularity
III. The Third Chapter — SN17.23: An Only Son
- © Translated from the Pali by Bhante Sujato. (More copyright information)
1At Sāvatthī.
“Possessions, honor, and popularity are brutal …
A faithful laywoman with a dear and beloved only son would rightly appeal to him, ‘My darling, please be like the householder Citta and Hatthaka of Aḷavī.’
These are a standard and a measure for my male lay disciples, that is, the householder Citta and Hatthaka of Aḷavī.
‘But my darling, if you go forth from the lay life to homelessness, please be like Sāriputta and Moggallāna.’
These are a standard and a measure for my monk disciples, that is, Sāriputta and Moggallāna.
‘And my darling, may you not come into possessions, honor, and popularity while you’re still a trainee and haven’t achieved your heart’s desire.’
If a trainee who hasn’t achieved their heart’s desire comes into possessions, honor, and popularity it’s an obstacle for them.
So brutal are possessions, honor, and popularity. …”
1Sāvatthiyaṁ vihārati.
""Dāruṇo, bhikkhave, lābhasakkārasiloko … pe …
saddhā, bhikkhave, upāsikā ekaputtakaṁ piyaṁ manāpaṁ evaṁ sammā āyācamānā āyāceyya: ‘tādiso, tāta, bhavāhi yādiso citto ca gahapati hatthako ca āḷavako’ti.
Esā, bhikkhave, tulā etaṁ pamāṇaṁ mama sāvakānaṁ upāsakānaṁ, yadidaṁ citto ca gahapati hatthako ca āḷavako.
Sace kho tvaṁ, tāta, agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajasi; tādiso, tāta, bhavāhi yādisā sāriputtamoggallānāti.
Esā, bhikkhave, tulā etaṁ pamāṇaṁ mama sāvakānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ, yadidaṁ sāriputtamoggalānā.
Mā ca kho tvaṁ, tāta, sekhaṁ appattamānasaṁ lābhasakkārasiloko anupāpuṇātūti.
Tañce, bhikkhave, bhikkhuṁ sekhaṁ appattamānasaṁ lābhasakkārasiloko anupāpuṇāti, so tassa hoti antarāyāya.
Evaṁ dāruṇo kho, bhikkhave, lābhasakkārasiloko … pe … evañhi vo, bhikkhave, sikkhitabban"ti.