11. Sakkasaṁyutta: With Sakka
II. The Second Chapter — SN11.18: Who Sakka Worships (1st)
- © Translated from the Pali by Bhante Sujato. (More copyright information)
1At Sāvatthī.
“Once upon a time, mendicants, Sakka, lord of gods, addressed his charioteer Mātali, ‘My dear Mātali, harness the chariot with its team of a thousand thoroughbreds. We will go to a park and see the scenery.’
‘Yes, lord,’ replied Mātali. He harnessed the chariot and informed Sakka, ‘Good sir, the chariot with its team of a thousand thoroughbreds has been harnessed. Please go at your convenience.’
Then Sakka descended from the Palace of Victory, raised his joined palms, and revered the different quarters.
So Mātali the charioteer addressed Sakka in verse:
2‘Those proficient in the three Vedas worship you,
as do all the aristocrats on earth,
the Four Great Kings,
and the glorious Thirty.
So what’s the name of the spirit
that you worship, Sakka?’
3‘Those proficient in the three Vedas worship me,
as do all the aristocrats on earth,
the Four Great Kings,
and the glorious Thirty.
4But I revere those accomplished in ethics,
who have long trained in immersion,
who have rightly gone forth
to complete the spiritual life.
5I also worship those householders,
the ethical lay followers
who make merit, Mātali,
supporting a partner in a principled manner.’
6‘Those who you worship
seem to be the best in the world, Sakka.
I too will worship
those who you worship, Sakka.’
7After saying this, Maghavā the chief,
king of gods, Sujā’s husband,
having worshipped the quarters
climbed into his chariot.”
Tatra … pe … etadavoca: "Bhūtapubbaṁ, bhikkhave, sakko devānamindo mātaliṁ saṅgāhakaṁ āmantesi: ‘yojehi, samma mātali, sahassayuttaṁ ājaññarathaṁ. Uyyānabhūmiṁ gacchāma subhūmiṁ dassanāyā’ti.
‘Evaṁ, bhaddantavā’ti kho, bhikkhave, mātali saṅgāhako sakkassa devānamindassa paṭissutvā sahassayuttaṁ ājaññarathaṁ yojetvā sakkassa devānamindassa paṭivedesi: ‘yutto kho te, mārisa, sahassayutto ājaññaratho. Yassadāni kālaṁ maññasī’ti.
Atha kho, bhikkhave, sakko devānamindo vejayantapāsādā orohanto añjaliṁ katvā sudaṁ puthuddisā namassati.
Atha kho, bhikkhave, mātali saṅgāhako sakkaṁ devānamindaṁ gāthāya ajjhabhāsi:
2‘Taṁ namassanti tevijjā,
sabbe bhummā ca khattiyā;
Cattāro ca mahārājā,
tidasā ca yasassino;
Atha ko nāma so yakkho,
yaṁ tvaṁ sakka namassasī’ti.
3‘Maṁ namassanti tevijjā,
sabbe bhummā ca khattiyā;
Cattāro ca mahārājā,
tidasā ca yasassino.
4Ahañca sīlasampanne,
Sammāpabbajite vande,
5Ye gāhaṭṭhā puññakarā,
sīlavanto upāsakā;
Dhammena dāraṁ posenti,
te namassāmi mātalī’ti.
6‘Seṭṭhā hi kira lokasmiṁ,
ye tvaṁ sakka namassasi;
Ahampi te namassāmi,
ye namassasi vāsavā’ti.
7Idaṁ vatvāna maghavā,
devarājā sujampati;
Puthuddisā namassitvā,
pamukho rathamāruhī"ti.