1. On Deities
VII. Oppressed — SN1.69: Desire
- © Translated from the Pali by Bhante Sujato. (More copyright information)
1“What is it that binds the world?
By removing what is it freed?
With the giving up of what
are all bonds severed?”
2“Desire is what binds the world.
By the removing of desire it’s freed.
With the giving up of craving,
all bonds are severed.”
1"Kenassu bajjhatī loko,
kissa vinayāya muccati;
Kissassu vippahānena,
sabbaṁ chindati bandhanan"ti.
2"Icchāya bajjhatī loko,
icchāvinayāya muccati;
Icchāya vippahānena,
sabbaṁ chindati bandhanan"ti.