6: The Book of the Sixes
IX. Coolness — AN 6.89: Not Giving Up
- © Translated from the Pali by Bhante Sujato. (More copyright information)
1“Mendicants, without giving up six things you can’t become accomplished in view. What six? Identity view, doubt, misapprehension of precepts and observances, and forms of greed, hate, and delusion that lead to rebirth in places of loss. Without giving up these six things you can’t become accomplished in view.
2After giving up six things you can become accomplished in view. What six? Identity view, doubt, misapprehension of precepts and observances, and forms of greed, hate, and delusion that lead to rebirth in places of loss. After giving up these six things you can become accomplished in view.”
1"Cha, bhikkhave, dhamme appahāya abhabbo diṭṭhisampadaṁ sacchikātuṁ. Katame cha? Sakkāyadiṭṭhiṁ, vicikicchaṁ, sīlabbataparāmāsaṁ, apāyagamanīyaṁ rāgaṁ, apāyagamanīyaṁ dosaṁ, apāyagamanīyaṁ mohaṁ. Ime kho, bhikkhave, cha dhamme appahāya abhabbo diṭṭhisampadaṁ sacchikātuṁ.
2Cha, bhikkhave, dhamme pahāya bhabbo diṭṭhisampadaṁ sacchikātuṁ. Katame cha? Sakkāyadiṭṭhiṁ, vicikicchaṁ, sīlabbataparāmāsaṁ, apāyagamanīyaṁ rāgaṁ, apāyagamanīyaṁ dosaṁ, apāyagamanīyaṁ mohaṁ. Ime kho, bhikkhave, cha dhamme pahāya bhabbo diṭṭhisampadaṁ sacchikātun"ti.