5: The Book of the Fives
291–292. A Male and Female Lay Follower
- © Translated from the Pali by Bhante Sujato.
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"Bhikkhus, possessing five qualities, a male lay follower … a female lay follower is deposited in hell as if brought there. What five? She destroys life, takes what is not given, engages in sexual misconduct,Kāmesu micchācārinī. For the lay Buddhist the rule of celibacy incumbent on monastics is changed to abstaining from sexual misconduct (kāmesu micchācāra). speaks falsely, and indulges in liquor, wine, and intoxicants, the basis for heedlessness. Possessing these five qualities, a male lay follower … a female lay follower is deposited in hell as if brought there.
"Bhikkhus, possessing five qualities, a male lay follower … a female lay follower is deposited in heaven as if brought there. What five? She abstains from the destruction of life, abstains from taking what is not given, abstains from sexual misconduct, abstains from false speech, abstains from liquor, wine, and intoxicants, the basis for heedlessness. Possessing these five qualities, a male lay follower … a female lay follower is deposited in heaven as if brought there."