
Aṅguttara Nikāya - The Numerical Discourses

4: The Book of the Fours

XXVIII. Abbreviated Texts Beginning with Greed — AN 4.276: Bases of Psychic Power

1“For insight into greed, four things should be developed. What four? It’s when a mendicant develops the basis of psychic power that has immersion due to enthusiasm, and active effort. They develop the basis of psychic power that has immersion due to energy … mental development … inquiry, and active effort. For insight into greed, these four things should be developed.”

1"Rāgassa, bhikkhave, abhiññāya cattāro dhammā bhāvetabbā. Katame cattāro? Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu chandasamādhipadhānasaṅkhārasamannāgataṁ iddhipādaṁ bhāveti; vīriyasamādhi … pe … cittasamādhi … pe … vīmaṁsāsamādhipadhānasaṅkhārasamannāgataṁ iddhipādaṁ bhāveti. Rāgassa, bhikkhave, abhiññāya ime cattāro dhammā bhāvetabbā"ti.
