
Aṅguttara Nikāya - The Numerical Discourses

3: The Book of the Threes

V. The Lesser Chapter — AN 3.42: Three Grounds

1“There are three grounds, mendicants, by which a person with faith and confidence can be known. What three? They like to see ethical people. They like to hear the true teaching. And they live at home rid of the stain of stinginess, freely generous, open-handed, loving to let go, committed to charity, loving to give and to share. These are the three grounds by which a person with faith and confidence can be known.

2They like to see ethical people;
they want to hear the true teaching;
they’ve driven out the stain of stinginess:
that’s who’s called a person of faith.”

1"Tīhi, bhikkhave, ṭhānehi saddho pasanno veditabbo. Katamehi tīhi? Sīlavantānaṁ dassanakāmo hoti, saddhammaṁ sotukāmo hoti, vigatamalamaccherena cetasā agāraṁ ajjhāvasati muttacāgo payatapāṇi vossaggarato yācayogo dānasaṁvibhāgarato. Imehi kho, bhikkhave, tīhi ṭhānehi saddho pasanno veditabbo.

2Dassanakāmo sīlavataṁ,
saddhammaṁ sotumicchati;
Vinaye maccheramalaṁ,
sa ve saddhoti vuccatī"ti.
