3: The Book of the Threes
XI. Awakening — AN 3.109: Unprotected
- © Translated from the Pali by Bhante Sujato. (More copyright information)
1Then the householder Anāthapiṇḍika went up to the Buddha, bowed, and sat down to one side. The Buddha said to him:
“Householder, when the mind is unprotected, deeds of body, speech, and mind are unprotected.
When deeds are unprotected, they become corrupted. When deeds are corrupted, they become rotten. Someone whose deeds of body, speech, and mind are rotten will not have a good death.
It’s like a bungalow with a bad roof. The roof peak, rafters, and walls are unprotected. They get soaked, and become rotten.
3In the same way, when the mind is unprotected, bodily, verbal, and mental deeds are unprotected. … Someone whose deeds of body, speech, and mind are rotten will not have a good death.
4When the mind is protected, bodily, verbal, and mental deeds are protected. When deeds are protected, they don’t become corrupted.
When deeds aren’t corrupted, they don’t become rotten. Someone whose deeds of body, speech, and mind aren’t rotten will have a good death.
It’s like a bungalow with a good roof. The roof peak, rafters, and walls are protected. They don’t get soaked, and they don’t become rotten.
6In the same way, when the mind is protected, bodily, verbal, and mental deeds are protected. … Someone whose deeds of body, speech, and mind aren’t rotten will have a good death.”
1Atha kho anāthapiṇḍiko gahapati yena bhagavā tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā bhagavantaṁ abhivādetvā ekamantaṁ nisīdi. Ekamantaṁ nisinnaṁ kho anāthapiṇḍikaṁ gahapatiṁ bhagavā etadavoca:
" citte, gahapati, arakkhite kāyakammampi arakkhitaṁ hoti, vacīkammampi arakkhitaṁ hoti, manokammampi arakkhitaṁ hoti.
Tassa arakkhitakāyakammantassa arakkhitavacīkammantassa arakkhitamanokammantassa kāyakammampi avassutaṁ hoti, vacīkammampi avassutaṁ hoti, manokammampi avassutaṁ hoti. Tassa avassutakāyakammantassa avassutavacīkammantassa avassutamanokammantassa kāyakammampi pūtikaṁ hoti, vacīkammampi pūtikaṁ hoti, manokammampi pūtikaṁ hoti. Tassa pūtikāyakammantassa pūtivacīkammantassa pūtimanokammantassa na bhaddakaṁ maraṇaṁ hoti, na bhaddikā kālakiriyā.
2Seyyathāpi, gahapati, kūṭāgāre ducchanne kūṭampi arakkhitaṁ hoti, gopānasiyopi arakkhitā honti, bhittipi arakkhitā hoti; kūṭampi avassutaṁ hoti, gopānasiyopi avassutā honti, bhittipi avassutā hoti; kūṭampi pūtikaṁ hoti, gopānasiyopi pūtikā honti, bhittipi pūtikā hoti.
3Evamevaṁ kho, gahapati, citte arakkhite kāyakammampi arakkhitaṁ hoti, vacīkammampi arakkhitaṁ hoti, manokammampi arakkhitaṁ hoti. Tassa arakkhitakāyakammantassa arakkhitavacīkammantassa arakkhitamanokammantassa kāyakammampi avassutaṁ hoti, vacīkammampi avassutaṁ hoti, manokammampi avassutaṁ hoti. Tassa avassutakāyakammantassa avassutavacīkammantassa avassutamanokammantassa kāyakammampi pūtikaṁ hoti, vacīkammampi pūtikaṁ hoti, manokammampi pūtikaṁ hoti. Tassa pūtikāyakammantassa pūtivacīkammantassa pūtimanokammantassa na bhaddakaṁ maraṇaṁ hoti, na bhaddikā kālakiriyā.
4Citte, gahapati, rakkhite kāyakammampi rakkhitaṁ hoti, vacīkammampi rakkhitaṁ hoti, manokammampi rakkhitaṁ hoti.
Tassa rakkhitakāyakammantassa rakkhitavacīkammantassa rakkhitamanokammantassa kāyakammampi anavassutaṁ hoti, vacīkammampi anavassutaṁ hoti, manokammampi anavassutaṁ hoti. Tassa anavassutakāyakammantassa anavassutavacīkammantassa anavassutamanokammantassa kāyakammampi apūtikaṁ hoti, vacīkammampi apūtikaṁ hoti, manokammampi apūtikaṁ hoti. Tassa apūtikāyakammantassa apūtivacīkammantassa apūtimanokammantassa bhaddakaṁ maraṇaṁ hoti, bhaddikā kālakiriyā.
5Seyyathāpi, gahapati, kūṭāgāre succhanne kūṭampi rakkhitaṁ hoti, gopānasiyopi rakkhitā honti, bhittipi rakkhitā hoti; kūṭampi anavassutaṁ hoti, gopānasiyopi anavassutā honti, bhittipi anavassutā hoti; kūṭampi apūtikaṁ hoti, gopānasiyopi apūtikā honti, bhittipi apūtikā hoti.
6Evamevaṁ kho, gahapati, citte rakkhite kāyakammampi rakkhitaṁ hoti, vacīkammampi rakkhitaṁ hoti, manokammampi rakkhitaṁ hoti. Tassa rakkhitakāyakammantassa rakkhitavacīkammantassa rakkhitamanokammantassa kāyakammampi anavassutaṁ hoti, vacīkammampi anavassutaṁ hoti, manokammampi anavassutaṁ hoti. Tassa anavassutakāyakammantassa anavassutavacīkammantassa anavassutamanokammantassa kāyakammampi apūtikaṁ hoti, vacīkammampi apūtikaṁ hoti, manokammampi apūtikaṁ hoti. Tassa apūtikāyakammantassa apūtivacīkammantassa apūtimanokammantassa bhaddakaṁ maraṇaṁ hoti, bhaddikā kālakiriyā"ti.